
  Includes from 8 to 10 items

The vibrating toy alone is worth the price of the surprise bag 

Content value is double $$$


The Classic is nothing less than our signature product. It embodies our whole vision of sexuality: a game in which we are constantly in search of discovery, but also a moment of intimacy that requires trust and absolute abandon. This bag is designed to please all couples as well as lonely explorers. It will certainly lead to new experiences and invite you to discovery and complicity.

Let yourself be surprised with the Surprise and Discovery option or tell us how to suit your expectations by choosing one of the four other options.

What’s in the Bag:

The question everyone is burning to ask! Despite the large variety of models circulating, they are all created equals: they contain 8 to 10 items, either games, toys or accessories, and products essential to any respectable sexy package, meaning condoms, lubricants or oils, and batteries, if needed. A surprise until the very moment you open the bag! You will find an incredible variety of products. The vibrating toys of this bag will be different then the ones offered for The Personalized .